

Many employment issues arise as a result of the process adopted by an employer – in this field of the law, process can be equally as important as the substance of the issue itself.

In addition to giving you sound legal advice, we look at the practical aspects of the employment issue, such as:

  • interpersonal factors;
  • the clients goals;
  • managing the situation to suit your objectives.

We provide accurate and practical advice to employers and employees on a wide range of employment issues, including:

  • avoidance and resolution of personal grievances, disputes and other employment relationship problems;
  • disciplinary and performance management processes;
  • re-organisation and redundancy procedures;
  • incapacity, stress, disability and other medical issues;
  • negotiating and drafting employment agreements;
  • protection of confidential information and the validity and enforcement of restraints of trade;
  • dispute resolution, including at mediation, and litigation in the Employment Relations Authority and the Employment Court.


Hugh Matthews

Hugh Matthews
